Before booking.
Is there a minimum rental period?
- Yes, the minimum rental period is 1 day.
Do I have to leave a deposit for my rental car?
- No, we are not keeping any kind of credit card info and we do not hold a deposit from our customers while they have the rental car.
Which documents do I need to rent a car from your company?
- You only need the driver’s original and valid driving license, photocopies or pictures of it will NOT be accepted. Applies to additional drivers as well. Check for law and regulations, in case you need an International driving License to drive in Greece.
How can I pay for my rental car?
-You can pay for your rental vehicle with your credit or debit card ( visa, master, maestro), the best option is to pay in cash on arrival.
Which is the minimum drivers age to be able to rent a car ?
-The driver must be above 23 years old ( with at least 1 year driving experience) & less than 75 years old in order to rent a car from our company.
Is there any scenario that the insurance policy doesn't cover me?
The only cases that you are not covered by our insurance are :
1. If you drive the car off road (the car is insured for asphalt road only).
2. If you drink alcohol and drive.
3. If someone else that is not mentioned in the contract is driving the car.
4. If the driver is younger than 23 or older than 75 years old (minimum & maximum driver's age to rent a car from our company).
Do I have a Zero-deductible insurance?
-Yes, our Customers enjoy Super collision damage waver ( SCDW ) - 100% FULL INCURANCE WITHOUT EXCESS , in which the deductible/self Risk is 0 Euro. ( unless the damage of the car or the accident occurs in one of the four scenarios, that the insurance doesn't covers you, that we mentioned above.)
How much do I have to pay in advance in order to reserve a car?
- We require 40€ for the reservation through bank tranfer and you'll have to pay the rest ammount the day that you will receive the car. If you decide to book a car from our company, our employees will provide you with our bank account info so you can tranfer the payment.
Is the reservation deposit of 40€ refundable?
- Yes, the reservation amount of 40€ is refundable in case you cancel your reservation at least 7 days before the reservation date. Also you need to know that If we send you the reservation amount back, in case of cancellation, we will keep the Bank transfer fee from the 40€ ( normally is about 3-5€ ).
Do I need a children seat for my child?
-If you use a children seat in your own car, then you should use one in our cars also. The children seat is for free and you have to inform us at your reservation request if you need one (or more ) . We can provide you infant seat ( 0-6 months old), baby seat and booster seat.
After Booking.
Can I be sure that the model I selected is available?
-If the vehicle you selected during the reservation is unavailable during pick up we will supply you with a similar model. We always guarantee the same, or higher, category. We however do not guarantee the brand and model.
Can I change the booking dates after the booking confirmation from your company?
-If you need to change/modify your booking after you have received a confirmation you can simply send an e-mail to , and we will help you arrange it.
Can the booking be changed or modified after I‘ve received the car?
-If you need to change/modify the booking after you have received the car you need to contact us via e-mail or call us in +302897021011.Extensions are based on the availability each time. If the car is available the extra charge is subject to the duration of the extension. Early returning is always allowed. However no refunds can be given for unused, or partly used car hire vouchers.
Do you offer emergency breakdown assistance and how can I reach you?
-Yes, we offer 24/7 emergency breakdown assistance which means you can call us every day, 24 hours a day,from all around Crete. The number is +30 2897021011. If the car breaks down we will of course replace the car with a new one if it’s necessary as soon as possible.
If I have an accident what should I do?
-You should just call us immediately on +30 2897021011. We will handle the rest of the process (insurance companies & police if necessary) and we will provide you with a new car if necessary. We will try to make the process as stress-free as possible for you, so you can continue your exploration calmly around Crete .
If I book a car from where can I pick it up?
-You can pick up your car from our office, from your hotel, from Heraklion international airport, from Heraklion port or we can arrange a meeting somewhere else. Same goes for drop offs.
If I book a car in Heraklion international airport, how will I collect my car?
-Once you collect your luggage and exit the Airport building, a representative of Zygos will be personally waiting for you, holding a sign with your name on it. You will walk together to the Parking area where you will arrange the contract and collect your Car. The entire process once you exit the building should take less than 15 minutes. It might take a bit longer if other customers are in the same flight as you are. We do our best, so that you start your Cretan experience as quickly as possible.
If I book a car in Heraklion port, how will I collect my car?
-Once you collect your luggage and exit the ship, a representative of Zygos will be personally waiting for you, holding a sign with your name on it. You will walk together to the Parking area where you will arrange the contract and collect your Car. The entire process once you exit the ship should take less than 15 minutes. It might take a bit longer if other customers are in the same ship as you are. We do our best, so that you start your Cretan experience as quickly as possible.
If I book a hotel pick-up, how will I collect my car?
-A representative of Zygos will meet you at the Reception of your Hotel in the arranged Time and deliver you the Car directly there.